Iranian Caviar is known as the most expensive fishery product in the International trade.
Caspian Sea is the home for Caviar by a greatest diversity of Sturgeons in the world.
Out of the 100 years’ fisheries research in Iran, pertaining to the importance of Sturgeon issues in the unique habitat of the Caspian Sea, International Sturgeon Research Institute (ISRI) was stablished in 1994.
Sturgeons natural stocks conservation and Sturgeons sustainable aquaculture development are two major research approaches follow by ISRI.
Since ISRI establishment, several projects on applied research and basic sciences have been conducted and the outcomes were available through scientific publications and workshops, Conferences, National & International Symposiums, scientific attachments, … which provided help to facilitate resolve specific problems associated with the Fisheries-Aquaculture issues of Sturgeons in Iran.
In 2020, About 130 Sturgeon farms are rearing Sturgeon species for Caviar and meat production in Iran by scientific support of ISRI.
In second quarter of ISRI activities, we welcome all interested countries for cooperation on feasibility studies of Sturgeon aquaculture also stocks assessments in nature for exploitation/conservation issues.
We do our best to address the best available information and knowledge to the management authorities for sustainable Sturgeon fisheries & aquaculture development.